Sunday, June 21, 2009

July 4th

So I know that there is a parade in redlands and a mini-carnival thing. We went to it last year and had a little fun. This year I'm looking for a place to watch fireworks for free. We tried (along with hundreds of other people) to go sit on the hill at Hulda Crooks park and watch for them. But they were just little specks in the distance of Fontana. I believe there are fireworks in redlands somewhere. Anybody know if I good place you can go and watch them for free? Also, we'd love to meet up with anybody who is interested and go to the parade together.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Home Canning...

I keep thinking to myself that I'd like to do some home canning. I've never done it, but I'm pretty sure I've got all of the stuff. I'm going to try to do pie apples and I might even try butter (for food storage purposes). I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who would want to get together and attempt it with me sometime (like on a weeknight). Also, does anyone happen to have any canning equipment for other foods? I've got an apple peeler-slicer gadget that makes apples easy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Have any of you ever been to JumpZone here in Redlands? Fun?

Back Exersises?

O.K...I am needing a good back excersise. Something I can do at home. Any suggestions? I tend to gain weight around my arms and back the most (sigh...). I've never really done pallates or yoga, so I don't know what works for the back area.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Looking for running buddies

Hey-- I know many of you out there are pregnant or leaving, but if anybody is interested in running with someone on saturday mornings, let me know. I/we go 3-7 miles. It is so much better to run WITH people!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Welcome to the test run of this blog. This blog is for the purpose of sharing information and ideas, sharing stuff, asking for advice or help, planning social outings...or whatever else. This blog is for women caring for young families in the Loma Linda and Redlands area.
I've known of similar blogs that have been a huge success. I guess we'll see if this ends up being one of them....
The first few postings will be from me mostly to set the example of what this blog can be used for, but feel free to add on and make this your blog too!!!
Oh, and feel free to give suggestions or add cool things to the side bar that you think others would appreciate.
I know I've probably forgotten some people who should be included, so please add them as blog authors as well. I want this to be OUR blog, not MY blog.

PS. with your permission, I'll add a link to your blog's side-bar.

Free stuff


Sun faded stroller (the kind that a infant car seat clips into). Good working condition, just sunfaded.

Maroon upholstered chair. Stuffing sort of coming out in a few places...I don't want it, but someone might be able to salvage it.

end table.

Seek ye out of the best of books...

In case somebody has tons of *extra time* (wink wink) on their hands and is looking for something to read, I recommend the following books. I own them so if you want to borrow one let me know.

Disneyland anyone?

My family is planning on going to Disneylnad this Wednesday afternoon/evening. We'd love it if anybody wanted to meet up with us over there.

Also, after boards (June 29th), we'd love to go with anybody who is interested in going WITHOUT children. Wouldn't that be fun...

Where do you get fresh produce?

I just went to SUNFLOWER MARKET for the first time in New Mexico last week. Talk about good/fresh produce! Anybody know of any place around here that is similar?